Join in by adding trail information

If you have a favorite ride post something about that ride. I have many Garmin tracks. Riding the Legacy, Jordan, Bonneville shoreline, Antelope Island, Gosseberry Mesa, as seen in the photo above, Saltair, MS 150, Salt Lake Bike Marathon just to name a few.
Many of my rides are 1 1/2 hours plus and ranging from 15 to 25 for the mountain bike for parkway routes. Shoreline 8-10 miles.
Road bike times are longer with mileages 35-60 once I get into the season.
Riding for me is not just excersise, so no time contstraints when ever possible, most of the time.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a beautiful day yesterday was, I decided that I would take the road bike out for a ride and see how the Legacy/Jordan Parkway connection was coming. 
As you cross a section of Redwood Road going West you have looping section of new trail that goes across the new bridge turns left on to the trail from there you head north into a wetlands area with the plank bridge still yet unfinished but now it's passable, I'm sure that they don't really want you riding there yet but  many of us took advantage of the lack of warning signs . Gravel is being placed alongside the trail edge to complete the transition between the asphalt trail sides, once they have the barriers on the wetland bridge the trail should be complete, perfect timing for the spring activities.
Riding this time of year can have some concerns, one of those is the debris that comes from the overhead bridges at each one of the freeway overpasses. As they plow snow the collected debris alongside the road becomes debris down on the road below where you may be riding, an excellent opportunity for a flat tire for sure. I saw this on just about every overpass and I went under yesterday. 
One area to stay away from until the construction is completed is the North Temple corridor, major construction along this path and the fact that the sidewalk on the north side of North Temple is just short of passable, makes this a definite stay away from project. 
For those of you that ride road bikes I would recommend staying off those sections of the trail that are shaded during the day, I found snow and ice along many of these as I rode yesterday and can tell you that it's a very interesting ride. 
If anyone would like a GPS track I have many that take different routes across the valley would be happy to provide those in the format you may require, some of these include the Salt Lake City Marathon, Harman's MS 150 ride in Logan, and many others that are just pleasure rides. Well really they're all pleasure rides just that some seen less pleasurable after a few hours.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Legacy to Jordan all most a reality

On December 30th the weather was very nice, perfect for a bike ride. Why not take a ride along the Jordan River going north to Redwood Road where the two trails Legacy and Jordan join. 

What I found was the river now has a new steel bridge that crosses the river and joins legacy.  To access the bridge you cross Redwood Road going west , then turn north following the new trail to the bridge with a final turn to the left. Continuing north on the legacy trail you find a nicely paved trail with unfinished sides of the trail, about two thirds of the way north on the paved trail you find the starting of a plank bridge that goes across the water area that's yet unfinished but from the photo I have enclosed looks to be not too far from being done. 

With the warm weather we've been having I would not be surprised to see this done in the next month or so providing the program is on track and no overruns have been incurred. 

Once this project is completed the ride from the north end of Farmington to the South in the Salt Lake Valley at Gardner Village should be one of the great scenic rides of the Valley. Add in the vision of being able to ride from Saratoga Springs North to Farmington station and then take the rail trail from there north into the areas of Syracuse and Ogden. 

No excuses now anyone that wants to ride the trail can find an access point along the way, choosing a ride as far or as short as they like exiting the trail at any one of the locations for rest stops and shopping opportunities. 

I look forward to riding the trail again when the weather is a little bit better hopefully running into some of the riders that I've seen over the past years and enjoying a  conversation with each of them, I always welcome conversation so if you see me out there give a shout I would love to chat.
Log in to the blog and add your adventures, or send me the information to the email below and I will post it for you,  Happy New Year!  Ride more and work less.....